News ~
Q-POWER Study Milestone
Congratulations to Nikki van Pouderoijen and the entire team on reaching 40 follow-ups with CMR before, within 72 hours, and 3 months after PVI! 🫀🧲 The integration of high-power short-duration RF- ablation with advanced CMR evaluation is a testament to the power of imaging in understanding and optimizing AF treatment strategies.
SCMR Schedule
We are delighted to represent the Amsterdam UMC and CAMRIT at the upcoming SCMR in Washington D.C.! Don’t miss out on our presentations; if you want to share research ideas, shoot us a message!
New PhD Candidate!
We are happy to share that Geoffrey de Mooij will continue in our CAMRIT research team as a PhD Candidate! He will primarily focus on novel techniques for detecting myocardial ischemia in CMR.
🫀 Pig heart experiments
As part of the SIGNET Consortium, Marco Gotte, Luuk Hopman, and Junior Reitzema traveled to Lifetec Group in Eindhoven to experiment with an ex-vivo pig heart setup in working mode. ECGs were captured, ablations were performed and biopsies were taken. The next step is to translate this into the MRI suite. Excited about the future!
Doctor Ahmet Demirkıran
Ahmet Demirkıran successfully defended his PhD titled: Clinical Value of Infarct Characterization and Intra-Cardiac 4D Flow Evaluation by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This dissertation stands as the cherry on top of his remarkable achievements. Well done Ahmet and we wish you all the best in the future!
Events ~
SCMR 2025
See most of our members representing CAMRIT at the upcoming SCMR convention in Washington D.C.!
iCMR hands-on course
(April 2025)
Upcoming June the first-ever interventional iCMR course will be organized by the Amsterdam UMC interventional CMR team! Go to for more information!